Dance research
Research Projects
The research team consists of Dr Helen Clegg (The University of Northampton), Dr Helen Owton (The Open University) and Professor Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson (University of Lincoln).
Selected publications
Clegg, H., Owton, H. and Allen-Collinson, J. (2016). The “cool stuff”: Gender, dance and masculinity. Psychology of Women’s Section Review Special Sports Issue, 18.2.
Owton, H., Clegg, H. and Allen-Collinson, J. (2016). “I wanted to be Darcey Bussell” Motivations and expectations of female dance teachers. Qualitative Methods in Psychology Special Sports Edition: Special Sports Issue, 22.
Owton, H. and Allen-Collinson, J. (2016). ‘It stays with you’: Multiple representations of dance and future possibilities. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, online early
Owton, H., Clegg, H. & Allen-Collinson, J. (2016). The coolness of dance and masculinity. 5th International Conference in Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, University of Chichester.
Owton, H. (2016). Slow moving arts-based methods in sport. Psychology of Women’s Section Conference, BPS, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor.
Clegg, H., Owton, H. & Allen-Collinson, J. (2016). Tensions and gendered opportunities in dance. Psychology of Women’s Section Conference, BPS, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor.
Owton, H. Clegg, H., & Allen-Collinson, J. (2016). “I want to be a ballet teacher just like you”: Gendered Tensions in Dance. Gender and Inequalities in Sport Conference, The Parkside Hotel, Milton Keynes. Funded by CREET
Owton, H. & Clegg, H. (2015) ‘The Silent Voice’ in Dance and Ballet. The Open University Sport & Fitness Blog. Available: http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/OU-Sport/?p=640
Owton, H. & Clegg, H. (2015) The young dancer of the year misses the pointe about gender. Psychology of Women’s Section Blog. Available: https://powsbps.wordpress.com/2015/07/21/the-young-dancer-of-the-year-misses-the-pointe-about-gender/
Owton, H. (2016) “That’s so gay!”: How homophobic is sport? In E314: Exploring Contemporary Research in Sport & Fitness, The Open University.
Owton, H. (2016) Inequalities in sport: What’s gender got to do with it? In E314: Exploring Contemporary Research in Sport & Fitness, The Open University.
Owton, H. (2015) Performative embodiment and unravelling grandparent-grandchild relationships. Qualitative Inquiry, 21(5), 426-435.
Owton, H. (2015) Leicester is tackling homophobia in sport. Leicester LGBT Centre. Available: http://leicesterlgbtcentre.org/news/2015/8/tackling-homophobia-in-sport-by-helen-owton
Owton, H. (2013) Integrating multiple forms of representation. Qualitative Inquiry, 19, 601-604.
Owton, H. (2010) Trauma, dance, (smoking & drinking) and chronic illness. Presented at the 6th Meeting of the Transnational Working Group for the Study of Gender and Sport, University of Bath. 2010
Dr Helen Clegg
Dr Clegg has experience in conducting interviews and of publishing qualitative research papers. Her PhD was in creativity. She has good relationships with some dance schools in her local area.
Dr Helen Owton
Dr Owton’s research focuses on gendered understandings in sport and has substantial experience of conducting qualitative research (e.g. interviews, ethnography, auto/ethnography) in various fields. Helen has published research on the gendered and embodied nature of sporting experience and dance.
Professor Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson
Prof Allen-Collinson's research coheres around embodiment issues in sport and physical cultures, including gendered understandings and analyses. She has considerable experience of undertaking qualitative research, including ethnographic and auto/ethnographic studies. Jacquelyn has published sociological research on embodiment and gender in a range of different physical cultures, including most recently, dance.