Asthma-related Publications
Owton, H. Allen-Collinson, J. & Siriwardena, N. Using a narrative approach in clinical practice to facilitate change in asthma patients, Chest (in press).
Owton, H. Performative embodiment and unravelling grandparent-grandchild relationships. Qualitative Inquiry. Online early.
Owton, H. & Allen-Collinson, J. (2014) A. Conformers, contesters, creators: vignettes of asthma identities and sporting embodiment, International Review of Sociology of Sport. Online early.
Allen-Collinson, J and Owton, H (2014) Take a deep breath: asthma, sporting embodiment, the senses, and ‘auditory work’. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 49(5), 592-608. Available at: http://irs.sagepub.com/content/49/5/592.
Owton, H. (2013). Narrative affinities of the lived experiences of asthma and sporting embodiment. Leisure Studies Association Newsletter, No. 95, 30-36.
Owton, H. (2013). Integrating multiple forms of representation: Fighting Asthma. Qualitative Inquiry, 19, 601-604.
Owton, H (2012) ‘A breath of fresh air’: breathing stories of the lived experiences of asthma and sporting embodiment. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Exeter (supervised by Dr J Allen-Collinson)
Allen-Collinson, J. (2008). Running the routes together: corunning and knowledge in action. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 37(1), 38–61.